Writer: Evan Dorkin
Artist: Benjamin Dewey
Letterer: Nate Piekos of Blambot
Review: Art Bee
When I first saw this comic book on the shelf at my LCS my first thought was, “sharp cover”, and my second was the Rolling Stones song which is still bouncing around my skull.
My decision to pick it up and review it was cemented by the owner and operator of my LCS, Shawn, saying that it was, “one of the best new comics he has read in a while”. In the past our opinions have been hit or miss on agreement, but in this case, they are fairly close.
Beasts of Burden #1 almost seems like something aimed at children with talking animals and magic. Even though there is no rating on the comic, from what I read in this issue, it seems fine for most ages (8+).
What hit me sideways was the boldness in the artwork. Dewey’s lines are all bold and deliberate providing a since of deliberate destiny for the characters. This is strictly my interpretation and I stand by it. The scenes are very detailed and keep the reader’s focus well. These qualities are one of the driving forces of the issue.