Friday, August 5, 2016

REVIEW: Beauty #8 - 9

Story: Jeremy Haun and Jason A. Hurley
Art:  Brett Weldele
Lettering & Design: Fonografiks
Review:  Art Bee

Last year Image started publishing Beauty and I was all up on that band wagon. This series has been a great addition to my folder each month with the exception of the last two issues. The current arc is a quite disappointing, and I want to share my disappointment with you.

The first six issues of Beauty were all about the virus known as Beauty. Many things were going on in the story arc, but the foundation was to introduce readers to the virus and its effects. The virus infects the person and changes their body to make them more attractive:  fat melts away, features look more appealing, hair thickens and shines, muscles tone up, wrinkles smooth out, etc. A nasty result of the virus though is a slight chance of exploding.

After issue #6 the creators go back to various events that happen during or before the first story arc to help readers see how the virus changes and shapes other people’s lives.

In issue #8 we are introduced to Ezerae. She was born a boy, Isaiah, but spent most of her childhood struggling with identity. His mother tried to help with karate and ballet classes. The Beauty virus helped to mold Isaiah into Ezerae and make him beautiful and fully female. A violent confrontation with some old school mates transforms Ezerae’s life into a paid assassin working for a man named Parks.

Once into Beauty #9, the story continues with more background on Ezerae, and while reading it the feeling of the story was a bit on the stale side. The first story arc was exciting and I loved it. This arc is a bit on the meh. There is a lack of excitement and plot drive. This issue ends with what is supposed to be a cliffhanger, but I didn’t feel it.

The first six issues were illustrated by John Rauch and his work was good but nothing to rave about. These issues feature Brett Weldele’s art and there is absolutely no reason to get excited. This is probably the worst artwork seen all year. Seriously, this looks like the kind of thing Brett’s mom said, “Oh this is sooo good! I love it!” The rest of the world looks at it the same as an unknown, partially burnt casserole. Even the colors are horrible and grainy.
Beauty has been such a great treat to my pull list in the past. My hope is that Weldele is dropped as the artist when this arc ends.

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