Saturday, June 27, 2015

REVIEW: Secret Six #3

Writer: Gail Simone
Artist: Dale Eaglesham
Colorist: Jason Wright
Review: Art Bee

Recently DC and Marvel have been making poor decisions regarding their intellectual properties. I followed along cringing with the reboots, but I liked a few of the changes. The Big 2 are currently revamping and redesigning their stories, characters, and even the environment in which they exist. This is bad for us older comic fans for it means the death of the characters we have loved during our lives. Revamping means killing what the hero or story was and slapping the old label on something new. Marvel and DC are trading in their long term fanfare for a new younger generation.

My suggestion is to create new characters in the same flavor of the old ones and have them exist in their own element. The Multiverse. It was a great tool to enable creativity and expansion. If Marvel and DC really wanted to attract newer and younger readers, they should reduce the number of comic books focused on one story element to one or two QUALITY books and put the extra effort into a new segment of the multiverse which targets the desired demographic. Seriously, six or seven Avengers comic books revolving around the same event is really old and overkill.

As of two months ago, I have officially dropped all Marvel and DC books except for Amazing Spider-Man, Star Wars, Darth Vader, and Secret Six, and the latter is on the chopping block at the moment as well.

This release of Secret Six started in February of this year and has been slow coming out. Issue 2 came out in March, but this issue waited till June, and my LCBS owner, Shawn, told me that issue 4, due out in July, is expected to be seriously delayed. This story had my attention, but if the creators are not committed, then why should I be?

From the start Secret Six really caught my attention with its story hooks. This comic features six lowly villains who are kidnapped and placed into a coffin-shaped metal box in the ocean by a captor known only as Mockingbird. The cast members of the Secret Six are as follows:
1. Thomas Blake as Catman
2. Kani as Porcelain
3. Shauna Belzer as Ventriloquist with Ferdie, the dummy
4. Damon Wells as Big Shot
5. Mary as Strix
6. Lori Zechlin as Black Alice

The first two issues do a great job setting up the story and tying these individuals together. They are trying to find out who has kidnapped them and why. While trying to answer the question their captor posed another: “What is the Secret?” In issue three, the group has settled into Mr. Wells’ home while trying to stay low after their escape from the oceanic prison. This comic book is greatly entertaining. Each of these villains is trying to do right by being bad. Trust me. That statement will make complete sense if you read the issue.

The best feature of this series is the artwork. Issues one and two featured Ken Lashley, Drew Gerace, and Jason Wright working together and the images looked great aside from the depiction of Ventriloquist as undead in the rendering. Changing the artists may explain why there were three months between issues two and three. Issue three’s artwork was created by those credited at the start of this review, and they have done a superb job. Ventriloquist now looks just ugly rather than undead. Even the scenes look more crisp and gorgeous.

My favorite artwork is the cover. The cover really states a lot about the issue. We see Damon Wells looking at the scene on his couch, a jumble of bodies and random items with the center blotted out by a big black “Censored” circle. This scene is referenced in the issue and let us just say that Mr. Wells is definitely thinking about covering his couch in plastic. This act involved the absence of clothing, an electric mixer, a jar of pickles, roses, a dagger, a fish, and a jar of wax and caused the cat to hit a whiskey bottle labeled MrE. Yeah. That’s right.

Anyway, I would really like to see where this story goes, but I am not going to wait forever and a day to read them. This seems like the best thing I have seen from DC lately. Granted, I may be harboring ill feelings from the cancellation of The Movement, but that has nothing to do with the current DC debacle.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

REVIEW: The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #1

Writer: Dan Slott
Pencils: Adam Kubert
Inks: John Dell
Colors: Justin Ponson
Reviews: Madman (1st) & Rynae “Madwoman” Miller (2nd)

First Review

So, we here at the HCB decided to mix it up a bit and do some duel reviews team-up style with our main womans. Art Bee and his daughter did a review a few weeks back to kick off Estrogen Month here at the HCB. So . . . I had to think on what book to hand my wife to review. She never reads comics and has shown zero real interest in comics . . . ever, except maybe to tell me to get them off the coffee table. I was really surprised she actually agreed to this fiasco in the first place, so I had to tread carefully and try and not turn her off of comics for good. Thanks to this Secret Wars business that’s currently going on over at Marvel the answer just kind of fell into my lap with this new Renew Your Vows series.

In this Spiderverse Peter and MJ are married and has a daughter named Annie, which is cool. I’ve always liked the idea of Spider-Man having children. I really liked that about the Mayday Spider-Woman books, and I’m an instant fan of Annie here.

Every Spidey reader knows that part of the fluff that makes Spider-Man a great character is his inability to successfully balance his personal life and his web swinging gig. Having a child only helps to intensify Peter’s burden of keeping his two worlds worlds apart, which true to form never happens.

A being named Regent has turned the world on edge. Apparently he has the ability to absorb super powers and such. He’s killed off most of the heroes in New York, forcing Spidey to work overtime to pick up the slack. This causes MJ and the voices in his head to nag Peter into being Peter more and Spider-Man less, which is the whole undertone of the book.

With the lack of heroes on duty the inmates of Ryker’s supermax prison are on the loose. This means Venom is out and of course he heads straight to the Parker house forcing Spidey to battle it out with Venom in order to protect his daughter. Much to my surprise Peter takes the gloves off, offers no quarter and puts Venom down. Down as in kills him dead by bringing a burning building down on Venom’s head. Now Spider-Man killing anyone is just never done, but I must admit I loved it. It brings Peter down to the real world a bit more and gives this title a darker side that you just don’t normally see in a Spider-Man book. I must add it was the old school drooling “I’m going to eat your brains” Venom that I was weaned on and grew to love in my youth.

I’m excited to see where this book goes. The writing is really well done and art isn’t too shabby in its own right. I would highly recommend this book to any Spider-Man fan that’s looking for a different read that oozes entertainment.

Second review

My Initial Reaction: When being handed The Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows my first reaction was . . . what? What? The one time I get to interject my voice into this world of comic yin and yang, I get handed a mushy looking comic with a loving Spidey family centered in the middle of a gigantic red heart? Geez guys. How stereotypical to be asked to review a comic with such a girly cover. I expected to be handed a book with some sort of ninja sword wielding, venomous, laser eyed, telepathic man on the cover; of course with some sort of common name like Robert; Bob if he’s cool with you. However, with all predispositions set aside, I’ll turn the page.

Brief Summary: We start out with MJ, Annie, and Peter sitting around the kitchen table at home. MJ starts nagging Peter about all things Spider-Man. She pretty much asks him to agree to the good ol’ ball-in-chain relationship. As it turns out Peter has been spending extra time fightin’ crime, because a man by the name of “Augustus Roman” is snatching up super heroes and taking their powers. After learning this, a bunch of super heroes unite and decide they need to take Augustus, who later declares himself as “Regent", down. While Spidey is out with the newly developed super hero united group, Venom goes after MJ and Annie. Of course Spidey heads home and goes round and round with Venom until he crushes Venom and stands victorious. Meanwhile, Regent attends to his agenda and seeks to harvest all super powers. We are left wondering what is to become of our little Spidey world. An image of Regent on a billboard speaks to his current success in his mission . . . so far.

My Reaction After Reading the Book: I was entertained. I’m not gonna lie, I'd like to see what happens next. As I read I kept thinking of things that I’d tell the characters in the book as the scenarios played out.

Here’s what I’d have to tell them:

MJ: Seriously, why rep the nagging stereotypical girl? Your husband is Spider-Man; you should be equally as cool. You also need to quit complaining about Spidey making web fluid on the kitchen table. He has web fluid . . . that’s freaking awesome! The whole city is your jungle gym! Don’t hate, appreciate.

Annie: Guess what? Your dad is Spider-Man (yeah, I’d totally tell her).

Spidey: Let the only whip that is on your name be that of your web slinging type. You’re not a whipped kinda man, don’t let MJ control you.

Venom: Wipe your face. You drool a lot.

Regent: Everyone has had the dream of possessing every super power all at once. It’s a dream though, you know you’re gonna get blasted. Luck.

So yeah, that’s my Madwoman point of view on this book. I do think I might take a peek to see what happens in the next issue. Curious, you’ve got me curious, dear Watson.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Like A Velvet Glove Cast in Iron, A Tragedy or at the Very Least a Great Pain in the Ass, told in 1 part.

I've just recently, within the past 3 or so years, gotten into the works of Daniel Clowes. I think I was peripherally aware of him back when the Ghost World movie was released and it was super popular for a hot minute. Other than that I was largely ignorant of his body of work aside from an ad I'd seen on the back of an old issue of Usagi Yojimbo.
Although that may have been an ad for a Peter Bagge book...
Hell, I dunno...

Anywho, a couple-or-perhaps-three years ago the staff of the HCB made a pilgrimage to Wizard World Chicago in order to pay homage to our ancestors and buy nerd-swag. A good time was had by all, longboxes were pawed through, and I got Boba Fett's autograph.

Jeremy Bulloch. Not the little kid from Episode II.
Jeremy is an exceedingly polite Englishman, and we had a nice conversation about the dearly departed Irvin Kershner, of whom he spoke quite fondly.

Paul Jenkins and Mark Texeira were also very friendly, though I suspect my girlfriends bosom-hugging Supergirl shirt may have contributed somewhat to their good cheer . . .

After the con, Chicago pizza, some games and lots of drinks, we retired to a mildly shady motel off the interstate that was located within walking distance of a strip club for your convenience. This motel also may have been featured in a news report about that guy who had murdered like 30 girls in the Gary region over the years, but I couldn't say for sure.
Although I'm fairly certain it's the same one.

The next morning was a tad bittersweet, as our site founder and brother-in-arms William Davis was leaving within the fortnight for South Korea to teach English to wee South Korean children. And to drink copious amounts of cheap Korean beer.
In any case, that morning William posed the following question:
"Hey, does anybody want to buy some statues? I can't get anything out of them at the local shops and I'm not taking them to Korea".

We all knew damn well what he meant by statues. Not garden statuary, library busts or the like.

We were talkin' comic book statues.

I gave fellow feature writer Cody Miller the first crack at them.
He had seniority.

Cody said something along the lines of, "Man, I have like 8 dollars left".

I told William I could give him $50 for the lot of them, and a look crossed his face that said he'd really like to get more than $50 for them.

"Yeah, I can do fifty. I know they'll be going to a good home".

The deal was sealed, money and statuary exchanged hands.

Full disclosure:
I really only wanted the Jesse Custer and Rorschach statues, but there were a couples more in the lot.
One in particular caught my eye. A slightly pickaninny-looking character that could be construed as a bit of a racist caricature by some of the more thin-skinned amongst us.

"What the hell is a Pogeybait?", I asked, holding aloft the odd fellow.

Mr. Davis went on to explain, a bit excitedly, that Pogeybait was a character in the indy comics written by this Daniel Clowes fellow.
I made a mental note, along with some other tidbits William gave me about my new acquisitions.
(Sorry, Waffles, I still haven't checked out that Chris Ware book...)

Quantum Leap forward a month or so, and I finally was on the hunt for some Clowes material. I figured if I was going to be the caretaker of this statue I'd better read up on him. Before long I'd found an inexpensive used copy of Twentieth Century Eightball and I was off to the races.
I loved it. Clowes comics were nearly Second Wave Of Underground Comics-style work, mixing that recipe of juvenile humor, acerbic wit, social commentary and raciness.
In the next year or so I picked Death Ray and Wilson, both excellent works, and always was I watchful for more.

Not that I couldn't order anything I wanted from the Daniel Clowes bibliography off the internets, but the chase is half the fun.
Right, kids?

Which brings us to ...A Velvet Glove.
Soon. I'll get there, don't fret.

Some years ago my parents retired to a quaint little village on the Ohio River. A nice little burg with a hippy -dippy art community, great architecture, and a hole in the wall pub with one of the best goddamn burgers I've had in recent history. Nestled amongst the downtown shops, across from the antique stores and down the street from the ice cream parlor, is a used DVD/video game store. The kind with just stacks and stacks of movies and bits of other assorted ephemera.
I'd pop in most times when I was down visiting my parents. I like to paw through movies and it's always good to strike up a bit of a rapport with merchants.

And then one day there were longboxes in the store.

Hot damn, we're in business now. We were talking the kind of flea-market longboxes, the dingy ones, devoid of bags and boards and plenty of spine curl and folded corners.
The fun ones to dig through.

Soon after that, bookshelves went up. The kind of bookshelves you put graphic novels and hardcover collections on.

I bought Marvel Masterworks editions of Young Allies and Rawhide Kid from this dude, because he sold them to me dirt cheap.
Reference the aforementioned rapport...

My last trip 'round, last month , yielded a great haul. There were 3 Will Eisner books I hadn't previously owned and lo! Some Daniel Clowes books.
One was his Caricature collection, and the other was Like A Velvet Glove Cast in Iron. What luck!
All these books were between $2-$4 apiece, and that, dear readers, was a done deal. I loaded up my arms, zippety do dah'd to the register and headed home with my fresh nerd loot.
I hadn't even looked at the books to speak of, certainly hadn't examined them, as I was too excited by my find to rationally make a decision more advanced than "buy product!"

So imagine my consternation when I discovered Like A Velvet Glove... had at some point been the recipient of some water damage and subsequently the pages had welded to one another after they had dried.

Fuck. Beans.

I really wanted to read this book. I'd eyeballed the book online for quite awhile but had balked at buying it because I tow the line between "$8.99? I bet I can find this cheaper somewhere..." and "$125 for the book club edition of Captain Marvel and the Monster Society of Evil? I'm in..."

I've some experience with book-shepherding, so I gingerly attempted to separate the pages. Almost the entirety of the book had pages stuck together in the bottom quarter of the book, nearest the spine.
Which meant every seventh panel in the nine panel layout on every page was illegible.

My efforts were unsuccessful, netting a result of some pages getting separated but for the most part gained naught but torn pages.
Perseverance soon gave way to frustration and I put the book away. In my luggage, to be revisited at a later date.
I briefly bandied about the idea of taking the book back to the shop, but opted not.
It was a $2 purchase, not a high dollar expenditure. I'm fairly certain the proprietor wasn't sequestered in his lair, twisting his mustache and thinking, "Nyah-ha! I finally got some clueless rube to buy that damaged Clowes book! Thanks for the two dollars!"

Plus at this point it was a war of attrition between me and this damaged book...

Upon my return home I did some research, didn't find many realistic options I was ready to explore, and certainly wasn't willing to spend any money on getting this book professionally repaired.
I'd already spent 2 whole dollars, after all...

At the end of the day, I threw caution to the wind and attempted a slapdash rendition of one repair technique.

Do not replicate this on any book you want to keep intact...

I started by running each page under hot water at the stuck point. Each page. One at a time.
It worked. The hot water broke whatever hellish grasp the pages had on one another and separation occurred.
On the downside, I was fully aware that once the pages dried, they would simply stick back together.
A mixture of lackadaisical apathy and good old American laziness led me to an answer.

I'd freeze-dry that sumbitch.

It's sound logic, but not quite a task your Friendly Neighborhood Refrigerator Freezer is up to.

But that's what I've got, so into the freezer went Like A Velvet Glove...

As a great aside, this served to confuse my girlfriend who, upon returning home from vacation, discovered a comic book in the freezer with no explanation as to why.

After a couple of weeks in the freezer I got bored with the whole thing. I was ready to render this book to a readable state or call it a loss ad buy a replacement.

But I'd already spent those 2 dollars, so I had a pretty good idea where I was going with this...

The freeze drying process actually kind of worked and many of the pages had separated and the moisture had been expunged via freezing.
The middle of the book, however, was a solid frozen mass of ice and comic book.
Utterly defeating the point of my freeze-drying , my impatience compelled me to throw the book into the microwave and start thawing/drying it in 20 second bursts.
The attempt to thaw was much more successful than the attempt to dry, and at the end of the day I was left wet pages that would stick back together once the pages dried.

Which was exactly where I was before I threw the sucker into the freezer.

Not willing to go through this freezer business again, I opted for plan B. Daniel Clowes was simply taking up too much valuable pizza roll space.
Plan B (From Outer Space...) involved suspending the book in front of a high-powered fan, leafing through the pages one by one to prevent sticking, and thinking, "Really? Two dollars?".

That was 2 days ago.

I've been blow-drying this thing for 2 days, and it seems to have worked. Everything is nearly dry, but at the expense of the structural integrity of the book. The spine is cracked nearly a quarter of the way up the lengthy, and the bottom half of the book is so flared out and rippled from water damage I may have to park my car on the thing in order to press it flat. In all honesty in may only peripherally resemble flat once it's all said and done.

Soon I'll be able to read the book, however, and really that was all I was after in the first place. I'd prefer to have a nice, pristine copy, devoid of water damage and frustration, but such is life.
The fan is still whirring in the other room, putting the final drying on Like A Velvet Glove . . . and I may see if some of my artsy friends have anyone in their collective network who can rebind books .

For a reasonable fee, of course.

After all, I've already spent two dollars on the book . . .