Friday, August 26, 2016

REVIEW: The Walking Dead #157

Writer: Robert Kirkman
Penciler, cover: Charlie Adlard
Inker: Stefano Gaudiano
Gray tones: Cliff Rathburn
Review: Madman

I used to read the hell out of this series. I say 'used to' because I simply lost interest awhile back. Awhile being about a year-ish ago, maybe longer, but to put it plainly it just got boring. The story lines seemed repetitive, drawn out, pointless and, lets face it, the series' art between the covers hasn't changed much from way back when to the present day, and it probably won’t. I personally watch the television program TWD religiously. I eat that stuff up. Even though the show was wicked awesome, I just couldn’t force myself to care about a George Clinton clone with a pet tiger in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Nothing against George, either. Funk music is my guilty pleasure and I love tigers as much as the next guy, it’s just the book lost it's sense of “realism” which is what drew me to it in the first place. So, yeah, I just quit cold turkey but then noticed this issue. It’s the start of a new six issue arc called “The Whisperer War”, and I decided to jump back on the wagon again.

At the beginning of the issue our ol' buddy Negan shows up carrying the severed head of the female alpha of a group known as the Whisperers. I’ve no clue who these people are. All I learned from this issue is they’re primitive wackos. The Beta of the group wear's a walker flesh mask much like Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre . . . They seem to be shepherds of a herd of walkers too, but I’m not 100% on that. Rick and his group are forced to deal with Negan’s return and seeming rehabilitation, but he's going to show his true colors and turn on Rick again. I don’t think that’s even a question, it’s just a matter of time.

Along with dealing with Negan the group is gearing up for all out war vs. the Whisperers, which sounds fun. Other then my lack of current knowledge of recent goings on of the series this issue was pretty entertaining and kept me reading. There is definite renewed interest here on my part, at least for five more issues, or until the powers that be fall asleep at the wheel again.

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