Friday, January 20, 2017

REVIEW: Monsters Unleashed! #1

Writer: Cullen Bunn
Penciler: Steve McNiven
Inker: Jay Leisten
Colors: Davil Curiel
Review: Madman

Before I actually read this comic, I’d just like to say that Marvel had better not screw this up. I am so excited to read this “happening” that I probably peed in my pants at least eight times on the way home from the LCS.
One of those sentences is a lie...

I’ve been a huge fan of giant monsters and anything resembling a giant monster my entire conscious life. Dinosaurs started it all in the real pee-in-my-pants days of my youth, which led into Godzilla in my teens. Of course, Hollywood puts out metric shit-tons of cheesy giant animal movies…yeah, I know most of them are horrible and love everyone of them. That being said, this comic is almost like my two best friends dating or something along those lines, and it’s awkward or something along those lines. I haven’t really cared about any of Marvels’ “Super-Events” in a long time. I passed on most of Civil War 2 and whatever the one before that was, but I care about this. Now bring on some Fin Fang Foom vs Stilt-Man action!

Having actually read the issue now I have to say that it was entertaining. One could say the book was spread pretty thin as you only got a few pages of each super-team, scattered around the globe fighting various giant monsters…but it’s the first issue so it was expected. Cullen Bunn did a good job at not making it suck. I won’t spoil much of the plot, but there are giant monsters falling out of the sky around the globe…and it’s glorious. The various giant monsters are the stars of the show. Some of them are so bizarre and beautifully grotesque that I nearly peed myself a few more times…false but true.

Avengers, X-Men, Inhumans, and a few others show up in pages, but sadly no Stilt-Man. Mr. Foom may (wink wink) have dropped in, but I probably shouldn’t say for spoiler purposes of course. The art team assembled here really did a fantastic job and the writing has me wanting more. I am so glad to finally get behind a Marvel event and just thinking about all the cool variant covers headed our way also makes me pee myself a little.
 Life is good true believers; life is good.

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