Friday, February 10, 2017

REVIEW: Hulk #1 and #2

Writer: Mariko Tamaki
Artist: Nico Leon
Color Artist: Matt Milla
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Review: Madman

Never. I’m quite certain I have never in my life read a She-Hulk solo comic book…
Sure, I’ve read issues from various other titles that she was featured in, but that’s not the same, now is it? Desperate times call for desperate measures, and we’re way past desperate in the Hulk category. Now, as stupid as this sounds, back in “Civil War 2”, The Hulk, aka Bruce Banner, was assassinated by Hawkeye…of all people…Hawkeye. I actually like reading Hulk comics, so thank you for the kick in the balls there, Marvel. On top of that, some imposter is running around in The “Totally Awesome” Hulk.

Here’s the deal Marvel: stop %@$*@@# around.
Bruce Banner is the Hulk, Mr. Cho, not you. Just go away.  We don’t need you. Maybe it’s just me being a hater. I’ve honestly not read a single issue of “The Totally Awesome Hulk”, because I don’t care. I don’t care about other Hulks for the most part.  I’ve nothing against She-Hulk or the Red Hulk, but after that, I draw the line…none shall pass. For me Bruce Banner is the only “Hulk”. That should be written in as one of the governing laws of comicdom. You don’t commit sacrilege against the Banner-Hulk period. Under no circumstances. Ever.    

That said, let’s see if Jennifer Walters can help scratch the mean green itch.

The first issue was above average. Not much happened, really, other than Jennifer Walters own inner dialogue, and Jennifer (being a lawyer) takes this mutated woman as a client in an eviction case. I should mention that said mutated woman is pretty freaky looking.
Oh yeah, and she talks to mysterious voices from the shadows, which on a scale of things that turn out bad, it has got to be a solid 11 outta 10, no contest.
I’m interested. You have my attention.

The second issue was more of the same. I’m not criticizing the huge amount of inner dialogue as it really drove the story. It’s all in there…the brief moments of rage that almost unleash the green beast, the disappointment when Jen regains control, the creepy lady who talks to mysterious voices in the shadow…all there. We actually are given a first glimpse of the owner of said mysterious voice, granted he’s still just a blacked-out body cloaked in shadow but his silhouette comes off as apish with some sort of mechanical gauntlets or something along those lines. I can roll with that.

Huge fan of the art teams work on this book, it’s marvelous. I’m definitely sticking around until the end of this first story arc and I have to admit I’m really digging the book, so who knows.  Maybe this is a thing now.

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